2022 Conference Agenda
65by2025.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/AlaskaCAN-Press-Release_12.13.2023_AlaskaCAN-Pauses-Offic...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 13, 2023Subject: AlaskaCAN Pauses Official External ActivitiesFellow Alaskans,Since its inception, AlaskaCAN and its Board of Directors have worked diligently to develop strategic partnerships, build awareness, and be Alaska’s trusted and valued convener of education and workforce partnerships. We are proud of the progress we have made to bring together key stakeholders to reduce barriers to postsecondary education and advocate for a trained and educated Alaskan workforce.AlaskaCAN’s efforts are conducted through monthly Board of Director meetings, robust committee work, seasonal convenings, annual conference, and ongoing outreach and advocacy by all members. This work is valuable and rewarding, but time-consuming. Our Board of Directors is comprised exclusively of volunteers with a passion and dedication for AlaskaCAN’s core purpose: Advocating for Alaskans to pursue postsecondary workforce development pathways. Though our progress has been significant, to better position AlaskaCAN towards reaching its goals, it is imperative to shift our organizational model from an all-volunteer Board to one that includes full-time staff.This will be a multi-phase process, the first of which is for AlaskaCAN to pause all official external activities, including monthly Board of Director meetings, annual Board of Directors elections, as well as the Annual AlaskaCAN! Conference. During this time the AlaskaCAN Governance Committee, composed of AlaskaCAN Board Officers, will work on securing funding and creating a full-time AlaskaCAN staff position. We look forward to relaunching AlaskaCAN in 2024 with renewed energy and greater capacity.Meanwhile, in an effort to maintain transparency, we will share progress updates with our members as they become available (both via email and on the AlaskaCAN website - www.65by2025.org); however, we strongly encourage AlaskaCAN members to connect with us at 65by2025@gmail.com and remain engaged throughout this process.We thank you for your continued support.AlaskaCAN Board of Directors
Attend Free AlaskaCAN! Fall Convening – November 7, 2023You are invited to a free, virtual AlaskaCAN! 2023 Fall Convening!WHEN: November 7, 2023 | 3:00 – 5:00 PM AKSTTOPIC: Collaborative Barrier Removal StrategiesRegister in advance for this Convening:us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkceitpjspHdVXB_2JB39IbKyTLhBQtPr-After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Convening.AlaskaCAN! Convenings are free to attend for AlaskaCAN Members. Not an AlaskaCAN Member yet? You can easily become one at no cost by filling out the AlaskaCAN Membership Application at docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVoacoAFbJ-PWxvxV9uKP3XGgENbbJ7Nq7JKa16i1DjnwAwQ/viewform.Sincerely,AlaskaCAN Professional Development Committee