What is 65% by 2025?
65% by 2025 – Percentage of working-age Alaskans who will need a postsecondary credential, including but not limited to:
- Completion of a Registered Apprenticeship Program
- Industry-Recognized Licensure, Workforce Credential, or Occupational Endorsement Certificate
- Career Technical Education (CTE) Certificate
- Associates, Bachelors, or Master’s Degree
- Doctoral, Professional, or Advanced Degree
The Alaska Postsecondary Access & Completion Network (AlaskaCAN) encourages completion of a broader range of credentials, to include any education degree or certificate, registered apprenticeship, industry recognized certificate, certification, or license valued and awarded by professional groups, industry, vendors, government agencies, colleges, universities or technical schools in recognition of an individual’s attainment of measurable skills that lead to employment, higher wages, career advancement, and/or increased job security.
The AlaskaCAN Board of Directors adopted the Definition of Postsecondary Credential in August 2019.
AlaskaCAN uses the U.S. Census Bureau’s definition of degrees and certification, licenses, or educational certificates to track progress towards the attainment goal of 65% by 2025.
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